RFC: open the spinner directly on touch point

Fania Bremmer fania.bremmer at basyskom.de
Tue Nov 8 09:47:54 UTC 2011

Am 04.11.2011 22:03, schrieb Marco Martin:
> On Tuesday 01 November 2011, Fania Bremmer wrote:
>> ** Proposed Change **
>> Open the spinner directly on touch point, near the tapped icon/source
>> etc, not on the bottom of the page
>> ** Reason For Change **
>> I saw a lot of people tapping again and again on the same icons, because
>> the spinner is out of focus down there. The user needs the visual
>> feedback directly where he is looking to and focusing on in the interface.
>> ** Implementation Details **
>> - set the spinner directly on the touch point where the user tapped
> here is an implementation of:
> * the spinner onpening where the user touched (where the invisible mouse
> cursor was)
> * stays there for 2 seconds
> * go with an animation on the bottom center where it was if the app is really
> slooooow to load
why do we have this animation? why dont we keep the spinner at the same 
> good thing is thatit shows right there was your locus of attention so slightly
> less likely to go unnoticed
> bad thing, looks quite bad ;)

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