components components components

Marco Martin notmart at
Mon Nov 7 18:10:01 UTC 2011

On Thursday 03 November 2011, Marco Martin wrote:
> Hi all,
> so.
> now the components are more or less finished.

as a title of experiment i have:
* alternative files in kde-
* cmake installs everything both in:
 $prefix/lib/kde4/imports/ and

now, what should happen is applications are supposed to read from ~/.plasmarc 
Plasma-components-platform group to discover what series of components they 
have to use. error prone, but it can be done in libkdeclarative.

then, they can do
QStringList importPaths = KGlobal::dirs()->findDirs("lib", "kde4/imports");
importPaths << KGlobal::dirs()->findDirs("lib", "kde4/platformimports/touch");
foreach (const QString &iPath, importPaths) {
(this can be done in libkdeclarative as well)

and then the touch specific will "win" against the ones in imports

i also tought about just having an object that can tell at runtime if we have 
a mouse or touch (so enable/disable mouseover effects) that would cover some 
cases, but not all.

we will probably want to have both in the end (if we want to support hotplug 
of a mouse in a nifty way) but i think something will still be quite different 
enough bot aestetically or functionally (for instance i do *not* want to have 
the Window component for instance in the plasma desktop components)

ok for everybody if i go forward that path and merge? comments?

Marco Martin

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