screen locking

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Mon May 9 11:50:38 CEST 2011


following up on Sebastian's great list of what's happened recently in the 
shell, i'd like to expand a bit on the lock window.

there are a few aspects of this we need to work on, most (all?) of which are 
on icescrum, but could probably use some additional design work. these 

Q1: where does it live?
current consensus is that this should be in the window manager. i need to 
speak with Martin about this...

Q2: how is it triggered?
probably with a time out (configurable; but where/how? default value?), though 
we'll also need a way to trigger it purposefully. the answer to this relies on 
the "where does it live", but we already have the org.freeesktop.ScreenSaver 
DBus API with Lock() being one of the methods. hooking this up to either a 
hardware key or a software button on-screen shouldn't be hard, but is a 
decision we need to make.

Q3: drag-to-unlock mechanics?
right now there is a functional system of drag a lock icon to a nice large 
area (== easy to hit) to unlock. unfortunately, while functional it's not 
pretty. i need to speak with a designer about this. something fun and original 
will get us bonus points. ;)

Q4: how do we integrate notifications?
if this goes into the window manager, it complicates this part a bit. however, 
we do know that we want to let the user know when certain kinds of 
notification occur (though not their content)

Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
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KDE core developer sponsored by Qt Development Frameworks
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