Contour Design Concept - Activity Switcher

Fania Jöck fania.joeck at
Wed Jun 15 17:37:40 CEST 2011


>>> - Every activity ever created is diplayed in the browser. To find the
>>> desired activity quicker, the user can actively reduce the amount of
>> We currently have (under the hood, and exposed in plasma-desktop) the
>> option to 'stop/stash' activities. So, in this case, it could be rather
>> useful if the user doesn't need the activity, but doesn't want to delete
>> it.
>> Although potentially usefull, it would need another part of the ui which
>> can be bad.
> yeah, it definitely could...
> i even tought about auto stashing stuff that isn't used since a given amount
> of time

Yes, actually I would prefer the auto stashing idea. I thought that 
activities, that are not used for a really long time, are out of focus 
anyway. Out of focus means that they are not considered tracking wise or 
recommendation wise... so only if the user searchs explicitly for the 
activity, its gonna be shown. Because if a user doesnt need activities 
anymore, he just wont use them, normally he doesnt "tag" them as 
"unused", right?


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