Recommendation use-cases and stuff

Marco Martin notmart at
Sat Jul 2 13:48:22 CEST 2011

On Saturday 02 July 2011, Ivan Cukic wrote:
> Fania and I talked a week ago and decided to put some recommendation use-
> case ideas on paper.
> Here are some of the things we talked about (my thoughts on those, some
> shared by Fania) and ideas on possible recommendations.
> -----
> Legend:
>  + I'm for this
>  ? I'm impartial
>  - I'm against
> General ideas for the currently possible stuff
>   + Items get into recommendations only if those are not shown
>     on the /desktop/ in one of the resource boxes
>   - highest ranked files (most likely already on the desktop)
>   - highest ranked contacts (same as above)

if would be easy have only those that do -not- appear in the desktop could 
make sense, otherwise yeah, there is no point

>   + highest rated non-document-related applications
>     while we are building a document-oriented shell, there are
>     applications that don't deal with documents at all (like
>     the calculator for example) - score those based on
>     the usage and show as a recommendation
>   + merge with (some) notifications?
>     Responding to a missed call which is something in the
>     notifications history can be considered as a recommendation
>     to return the call, or send an SMS or an email.
>   ? recommend to turn on/off the sounds, to switch activities,
>     or similar on location change (for example, the user goes
>     to work where he doesn't want his phone to ring)
>     The reason I'm impartial regarding this is that this is
>     a feature that I want (and use on my current phone) but I'm
>     not really sure it should be in recommendations instead of
>     being an option that the user can explicitly decide - for
>     example, when I enter my faculty building, the phone
>     automatically switches off all sounds - seems better than
>     to have it as a recommendation

a recommendation could make sense, but it could be linked to the activity 
itself, so when you entr in the building the activty gets changed with all the 
liniked settings...
however, i think there is no point discussing this now, since there is no way 
on earth any phone related feature can get into the first release, at this 

> Specific use-cases (not considering technical plausibility much*):
>   + When you're at the airport check-in, it'd be quite nice
>     for your device to recommend to open the online-check-in
>     barcode
>   + When you are in a place that you don't know well - a foreign
>     city, and you've set your 'starting' location (a hotel)
>     the device could recommend to start the navigation application
>     to show you the route to your hotel, or alternatively to
>     some other place
>   + When you are in a foreign place, and you took more than /n/
>     photos, recommend to add them to the user's online gallery.
>   + If you are planning a trip, recommend checking the weather
>     conditions for the time of travel
>   + If there were a lot of changes to contacts, photos etc.
>     and the user hasn't synced the device in a while, recommend
>     syncing (to remote server, to local computer if in range etc.)
>   + If the device is near another /master/ device, and those are
>     paired, recommend to open the currently active document from
>     the master device onto this one.
> Global versus specific recommendations:
>   + If an e-mail application opens a message that contains
>     some data about a scheduled event, it is normal for it to
>     show a recommendation to add the event to the calendar.
>     IMO, this should be done via the shell's recommendation
>     menu to avoid having duplicate UI items for the same thing
>     (one in the app, and the other in the shell)

all good, but also on that, remember actual feasability ;p

> The technical issue with all non usage-based-scoring-based :)
> recommendations is that it needs separate implementations for
> each and every use-case, sometimes even with the need for some
> specific application to cooperate.

so, there could be a couple of proof of concept examples with maybe a couple 
of very little apps developed as examples

Marco Martin

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