Mixed Repos?

Sebastian Kügler sebas at kde.org
Mon Aug 1 07:25:24 UTC 2011

Hi Sascha,

Good catch :)

On Sunday, July 31, 2011 12:12:04 Sascha Manns wrote:
> i've just seen, that kdebase4-runtime, kdebase4-workspace and kdelibs4 are 
> based on a branch from KDE:Unstable:SC.
> But kdepim4 and kdepim4-runtime are based on a branch from KDE:Release:47.
> Mixing such repositories is in normal case not an good idea, because it
> makes  some funny depencies.
> Should we leave it so?

Yes, I have started to move things to be based on KR47 (KDE:Release:47, 
currently containing 4.7.0), because we don't want to depend on unstable 

I've also added a build on top of KR47, which seems to work. (Got some testing 
done already, but not on a clean install. This means we can remove the 
KDE:Unstable:SC build, and pull package updates out of KR47.

It also means that some packages, which we've branched out of KDE:Unstable:SC 
should now be a branch of KR47. The packages you've noticed have that already, 
others need converting. Question: Is it possible to change a link? Or do we 
have to remove packge, branch package anew and then reapply our changes?


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