<div dir="ltr">HELLO SIR,<br>WHENEVER I opened the system, the warning message is displyed(as mentioned below)<br><br>FATAL ERROR OCCURED,<br><u>General:<br></u>The application KDE panel(kicker) crashed and caused the signal 11(SIGSEGV).<br>
<u>WHAT IS THIS?</u><br>An application mostly receives the SIGSEGV signal due to a bug in the application.The application was asked to save its documents.<br><u>what can i do?<br></u>you might want to send a bug report for this application.check if it si listed on htto://<a href="http://bugs.kde.org">bugs.kde.org</a>. otherwise mail the author.please include as much information possible,may be the original documents.if you have a way to reproduce the error,include this also.<br>
<u>erro report:-</u><br>Application: Ark (ark), signal SIGSEGV<br>(no debugging symbols found)<br>(no debugging symbols found)<br>(no debugging symbols found)<br>(no debugging symbols found)<br>(no debugging symbols found)<br>
(no debugging symbols found)<br>(no debugging symbols found)<br>(no debugging symbols found)<br>(no debugging symbols found)<br>(no debugging symbols found)<br>(no debugging symbols found)<br>(no debugging symbols found)<br>
(no debugging symbols found)<br>(no debugging symbols found)<br>(no debugging symbols found)<br>(no debugging symbols found)<br>[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]<br>[New Thread 0xb5f786d0 (LWP 4844)]<br>(no debugging symbols found)<br>
(no debugging symbols found)<br>(no debugging symbols found)<br>(no debugging symbols found)<br>(no debugging symbols found)<br>(no debugging symbols found)<br>(no debugging symbols found)<br>(no debugging symbols found)<br>
(no debugging symbols found)<br>(no debugging symbols found)<br>(no debugging symbols found)<br>(no debugging symbols found)<br>(no debugging symbols found)<br>(no debugging symbols found)<br>(no debugging symbols found)<br>
(no debugging symbols found)<br>(no debugging symbols found)<br>(no debugging symbols found)<br>(no debugging symbols found)<br>(no debugging symbols found)<br>(no debugging symbols found)<br>(no debugging symbols found)<br>
(no debugging symbols found)<br>(no debugging symbols found)<br>(no debugging symbols found)<br>(no debugging symbols found)<br>(no debugging symbols found)<br>[KCrash handler]<br>#5 0x080520d0 in _start ()<br><br><br><br>
i am not having well os knowledge. please send me the full details with easily understandable to me to rectify the problem.<br><br><br clear="all"><br>-- <br>PROUD TO BE AN INDIAN<br> maheswaran.s<br> chennai-27<br>
TAMIL NADU<br> INDIA<br>+919600363418<br>