[kde] [Bug 342272] not able to play a Video from my NAS in KDE; Windows, Android, Xubuntu-Clients are working well.

hhfischer25 at googlemail.com hhfischer25 at googlemail.com
Sun Dec 28 14:02:08 GMT 2014


--- Comment #3 from hhfischer25 at googlemail.com ---
I tried some cases:

- its not a problem with rights (samba or filesystem) (copy is possible, other
systems are OK)
- ist not a performanceproblem, because all tests are made on the same hardware
(errors and OKs)
- renamed the file to play to aa.mp4 (to make shure, thereā€˜s no name problem
with spaces or other language-typical signs) - same result

testet with kubuntu and krusader: error (the same)
testet with xubuntu and thunar: all OK
testet with xubuntu and nemo: all OK
on the same Xubuntu-machine: 
startet vlc (empty) > open file > go to a mp4-file on the nas > play >>> works
(no idea, what file-dialog it is)

next: installed dolphin in my xubuntu 14.04    

start dolphin > browse to the networkfolder > right mouse on mp4-file > play
with vlc
Error (the same like i have seen everytime)

start dolphin > browse to the networkfolder > right mouse on mp4-file > play
with Parole Media player
!! it copies the file to /var/temp/... anr when ready > it plays the file
without problems!!
(not I have initiatet the file copy, it makes it automatically)

(copy before play (with manually works also in dolphin) is not a solution,
because the Fritzbox NAS copies with about 2 Mbit/s)

I dont think it's a dolphin problem because krusader didn't work allso.
Mp3-files or pictures work in dolphin over the same share with the same kind of
( right mouse > open with)
Other Players do allmost the same. (cannot see errormessages, but no file
played, no reaction)

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