[Uml-devel] Umbrello2

Mathias Meyer mailings at beatsteaks.de
Fri Feb 28 01:24:53 UTC 2003

On Friday 28 February 2003 06:40 Andrew Sutton wrote:

> http://trident.cs.kent.edu/~asutton/umbrello
I'll definitely take a look at those, if I get my CrossOver Plugin to work 

> anyway, it generated some discussion - or at least input - from the
> prof who was complaining about the lack of a "big picture" for
> navigating through UML diagrams. he mentioned something called the "4 +
> 1" view, which as far as i can tell is a set of views (logical,
> deployment and 2 others) that are connected, in the middle, by the use
> case view. the idea being that the use case view imposes requirements
> on all the other views. what if that was our main canvas and diagrams
> were opened in other top level windows? docking stuff might be nice,
> but i think we should attempt to maximize the workspace. if the
> developer has 4 monitors, lets let him (or her) use them. granted "4 +
> 1" only works for UML, but maybe there's an equivalent for CWM or SPEM.
You're lucky. My profs don't waste much time with giving students good 
advice or stuff to think about ;(
But anyway, I don't think that using dock windows limit the developer's 
view to one monitor. Take Together for example: you can dock around, but 
also undock dialogs to make them modal dialogs. Maybe that's not exactly 
what you had in mind, but it is a way to do it.

> i'm not sure about the auto-layout stuff. i'm envisioning a layout
> pipeline with pluggable components. if i can get that defined and
> implemented then we will have the best UML tool known to man - which is
> my goal, by the way - and then we'll all get offered jobs by
> rational... ooops... ibm to make rational rose work like umbrello :)
Aah, that's your goal, working with the three amigos, huh? ;)
The fact that Umbrello isn't entirely written in Java yet makes it a very 
good UML tool. That's one of the reasons I've chosen it.

What about laying out first GUI thoughts with maybe Qt Designer or just 
simple pictures? Might be a good way to represent such first ideas. And 
maybe we can patent first ideas like Apple did for iTunes ;)

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