[Uml-devel] BUG: File incompatibility problem

Luis De la Parra Blum lparrab at gmx.net
Sun Nov 24 12:33:07 UTC 2002

Ok, so here we go again....

just tried to load one of my old files and it seems we got the file 
incopatibility problem again.

good luck this time the problem is not too bad, but still... if some users 
have been working with something like beta1 and then upgrade when we release 
1.1 they are going to have a not-so-nice surprise.

the problem is in the header of the XML file:

my old files have a header like this:
<XMI xmi.version="1.1" >
  <XMI.metamodel href="/home/luis/Documents/pos.xmi" version="1.0.4" 
name="UML" />
  <XMI.model href="/home/luis/Documents/pos.xmi" version="1" 
name="/home/luis/Documents/pos.xmi" />
and the new files have a header like this
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<XMI xmlns:UML="org.omg/standards/UML" verified="false" timestamp="" 
xmi.version="1.2" >
   <XMI.exporter>umbrello uml modeller http://uml.sf.net</XMI.exporter>
  <XMI.model xmi.name="screen-shots" 
href="/home/luis/Documents/screen-shots.xmi" />
  <XMI.metamodel xmi.name="UML" href="UML.xml" xmi.version="1.3" />

ok, so obviously the new header is better....
I mean: the old header was completly screwd up, and the new header is much 
better, but the problem is that Umbrello  refuses to load the old files and 
you have to go and change the header manually..

thank god this is not as complicated as editing binary files, but I think we 
should do something about it.... maybe allow old files to be loaded??

another question I have is: what's the href of the XMI.model used for?
it is the path to the file, but is it used for something??  If I send the file 
to a friend, it will of course have a different path 
(/home/myfriend/Docs/file.xmi) will he still be able to open it? I suppose 
yes, so why do we have the path there????


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