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Hello. There's been a couple changes in behavior with Discogs in a
recent version of Tellico. #1 I can pinpoint to 4.0 via the
changlog, but I'm not sure about #2.<br>
1. You introduced a change to split discs into different tracklists,
as reported in bug 479503. This is a neat feature, and something I
struggled with as I began cataloging, but at this point I have over
1300 albums cataloged the "old" way, with all tracks in a single
list (I use a comment field to note which tracks belong to which
discs). Converting all of my old albums to the new format is
infeasible at this point, and I'd really prefer not to change the
format for newer albums, resulting in the extra disc tracklists that
are present but empty on all of my other albums (including all of my
old multi-disc albums).<br>
This is definitely a useful feature and one I would've used if I was
just starting, but would it be possible to add an option to choose
whether you <i>want</i> to split your albums into separate track
lists or continue using the old single-list format? That way anyone
getting started can leverage the new capability, and users with
large existing collections can continue maintaining them without a
significant change.<br>
2. Only a 150x150 thumbnail is now returned with the album. Prior
to this a small but usable image, I want to say either 600x600 or
500x500. I would guess this is a change to the defaults on the
discogs side, but is there any way to retrieve the somewhat larger
image? The thumbnails are almost useless on a 4k display.
Understand if that's a new discogs limitation, but wanted to ask.<br>
Thanks for your consideration.<br>
<pre class="moz-signature" cols="72">--
Jared Breland
<a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:jbreland@legroom.net">jbreland@legroom.net</a>
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="https://www.legroom.net/">https://www.legroom.net/</a></pre>