Problem selecting and editing an entry in a Music Collection

J. Allen Crider software-eng at
Thu Jan 25 03:18:53 GMT 2024

I'll add a few observations that may be related that I've noticed with 
my music collection of ~9000 albums (CDs, vinyl, and digital).

If I double-click on an entry in the left hand panel, it will always 
open that entry for editing, even though it may not change the display 
in either right hand panel.

Until about two or three versions ago, if I clicked on an entry in the 
upper right panel, it would display in the lower right panel, and then 
selecting an entry in the left hand panel would update the lower right 

My process for entering CDs is to rip the disc to my computer and use 
"Import Audio File Metadata" to add the album to my collection in 
Tellico.  I also use "Import Audio File Metadata" to add digital albums. 
  I then edit the imported entry/entries to add a cover and fill in any 
additional data I want to add which was not in the metadata.  When I do 
an import, all groups in the left hand panel are collapsed and I have to 
select an entry in the upper right panel before selecting an entry in 
the left hand panel will result in the lower right panel being updated 
to my selection.

For the last two or three versions of Tellico, I have noticed a 
significant slow down when working on my music collection, although I 
haven't noticed a similar problem with my video collection which has 
over 26,000 entries.  The primary slow downs are in updating the lower 
right panel, which can take several minutes (depending on how long 
Tellico has been open), and in opening and displaying the Import 
Directory pop-up when I select "Import Audio File Metadata".

Allen Crider

On 1/16/24 07:31, Peter Mayes wrote:
> Within a few minutes of posting the issue below, I have found something 
> that triggers the behaviour.
> When I fire up tellico, the left hand panel displays "Artist" (I think 
> this field is remembered from the previous run).
> If I expand a few of the "Artists" and select several discs, the bottom 
> right correctly displays the chosen disc.
> If I now use the pull-down to the left of the "Filter here..." box to 
> select another field to display on the left, e.g. "Label", expand a few 
> of the "Labels", and then try to select discs, the bottom right is NOT 
> updated, and I can end up editing the wrong disc.
> Hope this is more helpful.
> Best wishes -- Peter
> -- 
> On 16/01/2024 13:18, Peter Mayes wrote:
>> This refers to tellico-3.5.1 under Fedora38 Linux.
>> This is a slightly strange one. I thought that this was a completely 
>> reproducible situation, relating to my Music collection of ~1,500 CDs. 
>> Indeed, it was completely reproducible earlier today. But having shut 
>> down tellico and restarted it, I can't now get it to happen. It 
>> definitely does happen, as it has been driving me slightly crazy over 
>> recent days, but clearly there is some sort of trigger that I haven't 
>> yet pinned down.
>> I know when it is going to happen, as it is when I select a disc from 
>> the left hand panel, and the bottom right doesn't update to show the 
>> selected disc as in 4 below
>> Let me know if this isn't helpful as it stands, and I will continue to 
>> investigate.
>> 1. Edit an entry
>> 2. "Save Entry", "Close", "Save"
>> 3. From the left-hand panel, select another entry to edit
>> 4. The entry does NOT show up in the bottom right panel. The previous 
>> entry is still displayed.
>> 5. Attempt to edit the new selection from step 3, ignoring 4 above
>> 6. The previously edited disc is opened for editing again
>> 7. Close this wrong disc.
>> 8. Select any entry from the top right panel
>> 9. Now reselect the entry I want to edit from step 3.
>> 10. The correct entry is now opened for editing
>> This has nearly caught me out on a number of occasions!

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