Using Tellico do make a website

José Marcio Martins da Cruz at
Mon Feb 26 11:39:33 GMT 2024

Salut Bruno,

My feedback,

It's what I was intending to do.

I've created the web pages for one of my collections - 1600 books, with the template.

HTML generation took only 15 seconds against some minutes on the tellico application. Just 1.5 secs to update after a 
tellico database modification. Some problems with field names, but very easy to solve. The template example is a good 
quick start.

A command line tool is what I was wanting : put it in a crontab and push it to my webserver... ;-)

A little suggestion : when launching tellico2html for the first time you create a default configuration file with 
default values and create directories. But if directory places aren't the proposed, ... I suggest to just create the 
configuration file, exit and tell user to personalize the configuration file and launch tellico2html again.

It's very simple to do this. I'm attaching a patch, if you accept.

Best regards and thank you for this tool


On 2/26/24 00:01, Bruno Cornec wrote:
> Hello José,
> José Marcio Martins da Cruz said on Sun, Feb 25, 2024 at 01:52:51AM +0100:
>> It lacks a colon just after tmpldir in the rc file created at first time.
> Nice catch ! Fixed upstream at
> Let me know if it's also useful for you !
> Greetings,
> Bruno.
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