beginners questions - grouping

Daniel Calcoen daniel.calcoen at
Tue Oct 24 15:56:11 BST 2023

Thanks Roby

I get it.

I was seeing Filter like a partial Search.

For the moment it is enough for me.

If one day you revisit that part I guess that is more intuitive that the 
main view only shows the outcome of the selected grouping and on that 
subset you do the filter/search.

Actually if you right click on a grouping folder and use "Filter by 
Group" this disables you to Filter (search) directly in that subset. If 
you write on the Filter dialogue, the "Filter by Group" disappears and 
what is written overrides and applies as Filter to all. Yes, you can 
create a more complex filter but it is less intuitive.

One extra help to guide the users could be to show the "Filters" tab 
even if there is no filter saved and add "create filter" in its pop-menu.

I didn't realise this tab existed, until I saw it by chance in the 
screen-capture shown in the repository, because it is not mentioned in 
the menus (View nor Collection nor Settings)

all of this are minimal details ... your application is great and I most 
than happy using it! great job :)



On 24/10/2023 03:51, Robby Stephenson wrote:
> Grouping is different from filtering. If you have an active filter, 
> that will show only a subset of entries.
> If you right-click on the group, you have an option to "Filter by 
> Group". If you have saved filters, then clicking on them will show the 
> view you want, I believe.
> Robby
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