Festure request: conditional tabs

Robby Stephenson robby at periapsis.org
Sat Feb 8 11:13:52 GMT 2020


On Wed, Feb 5, 2020 at 11:12 AM Urban Planet <
urbanplanet.manticore at gmail.com> wrote:

> t would be very useful for us to have this feature:
> When we receive physical books, most of them go to the barter club, the
> oldest ones, to the collector's club, but those of our subject are sent to
> our Library (this is specified in a field). These books require special
> fields, which we have in a specific tab.
> But in most cases, we don't need to see that tab, only when they belong to
> the library.
> The data entry dialog could have a general behavior, without these tabs of
> conditional visibility. But when a library record is selected, that tab
> would appear.

Thanks for the suggestion. I've added it as a wishist item.

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