Filters persistence in the 'view'

Urban Planet urbanplanet.manticore at
Fri Sep 21 20:01:06 BST 2018

El vie., 21 sept. 2018 a las 1:19, Robby Stephenson (<robby at>)

> On Thu, Sep 20, 2018 at 7:47 AM Urban Planet
> From your description, I understand you
> 1) Have a collection with saved filters
> 2) Click one of those filters such that the detailed/column view is
> "filtered"
> 3) Then you double-click one of those entries to edit it ?
> 4) Clicking "Save Entry" then resets the filtered view ?

Yes, exactly this chain  of actions.
I think that, when an user is working with *saved* filters is because
s/he want to focus on that entries more than one time.  Then, when
a saved filter is selected and the entries in the column view are being
edited, probably the expected behavior would be keep the filter active
until the user wants to deactive the filter.

We updated to Tellico 3.1.2 from 2.9 a few days ago.  But the commented
behavior is very old in Tellico.  As I can recall all the 2.x series
automatically deactivated the filter after pressing the "Save Entry" button.

¡Muchas gracias!
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