[Tellico-users] How to Build the Tellico RPM for Centos 7

Matthew Soffen (tellico) sirgeek-tellico at mrsucko.org
Thu Dec 17 04:46:40 UTC 2015

And I've found - KSANE_INCLUDE_DIR-NOTFOUND in the files that were

Not sure where that's coming from

Any ideas ?

> Please set them or make sure they are set and tested correctly in the
> CMake files:
> I believe that the reason is when the code does an include of ksane.h, it
> references it as a subdirectory ( libksane/ksane.h ) and on Centos it
> isn't in a sub dir.
> I'm wondering if something in CMakeLists.txt  needs to be tweaked (or the
> code needs to be tweaked) to not worry about the directory ?
> On my Centos box, I have - /usr/include/kde4/libksane/ksane.h
> I'm wondering if the /usr/include/kde4/ isn't being appended to the
> include path ?
>> On 12/16/2015 01:36 AM, Matthew Soffen (tellico) wrote:
>>> But fails when trying to compile -
>>> CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they
>>> are set to NOTFOUND.
>>> Please set them or make sure they are set and tested correctly in the
>>> CMake files:
>>> Any ideas about fixing this issue ?
>> I think the answer probably depends on which variables are marked
>> NOTFOUND. Does it tell you?
>> Robby
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