Hi again,<br><br>I'm almost there, but I'm still missing something. I wrote a function for my Firefox plugin:<br><br>NS_IMETHODIMP MyComponent::Tag(const PRUnichar *path, const PRUnichar *title, const PRUnichar *artist, const PRUnichar *album, const PRUnichar *comment, const PRUnichar *genre, const PRUnichar *year, const PRUnichar *track)<br>
{// Function takes 8 parameters.<br> TagLib::FileRef f(path);<br> if(!f.isNull() && f.tag()) { //check if the file isn't null & the f.tag objects is ready. If it is we're ok to proceed.<br> TagLib::Tag *t = f.tag();<br>
TagLib::String tlTitle = title;<br> t->setTitle(tlTitle);<br> f.save();<br> return NS_OK;<br> }else{<br> return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; //if the f object or the f.tag object are bad return an NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY error.<br>
}//END IF<br>}//END FUNCTION TAG<br><br>The PRUnichars pointers end up being pointers to wchar_t because I'm building on Windows.<br><br>It works if I have a simple title ascii, like "My Title", but if I have Unicode characters like so:<br>
<br>"JURIAN BEAT CRISIS / サクラ舞う"<br><br>It fails. I don't get any errors, it just doesn't write the title.<br><br>Do I need to add some parameters to my function calls to get it to handle the characters?<br>
<br>Thanks again! :)<br>