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<DIV>hello everyone,</DIV>
<DIV>I have two questions to ask ,</DIV>
<DIV>when I want to read wma tag info,</DIV>
<DIV>in my PC,it works well,but in a cross platform board,it can't read,what's why?</DIV>
<DIV>I use the example/readertag.cpp,in QT4.5!</DIV>
<DIV>readtag(QString filename)</DIV>
<DIV> TagLib::FileRef f(filename.toUtf8().data());</DIV>
<DIV> if(!f.isNull() && f.tag()) {</DIV>
<DIV> TagLib::Tag *tag = f.tag();</DIV>
<DIV> cout << "-- TAG --" << endl;<BR> cout << "title - \"" << tag->title() << "\"" << endl;<BR> cout << "artist - \"" << tag->artist() << "\"" << endl;<BR> cout << "album - \"" << tag->album() << "\"" << endl;<BR> cout << "year - \"" << tag->year() << "\"" << endl;<BR> cout << "comment - \"" << tag->comment() << "\"" << endl;<BR> cout << "track - \"" << tag->track() << "\"" << endl;<BR> cout << "genre - \"" << tag->genre() << "\"" << endl;<BR> }</DIV>
<DIV>}</DIV></DIV>(2)when read out tag info ,some of them is written in Chinese ,in Qt 4.5,I turn it to GB2312,but some are unrecognizable code,how to solve? <BR><BR><SPAN title="neteasefooter"></SPAN><br><br><span title="neteasefooter"/></span>