Hi, I'm using CMake for my build system, and I was wondering how I would go about integrating taglib into my CMake project.<br><br>Here's my current structure.<br><br>Project Foo<br> Sub directory Bar1<br> executable bar1<br>
Sub directory Bar2<br> executable bar2<br> Sub directory taglib (sources from taglib extracted here)<br><br>I want to have both bar1 & bar2 depend on TagLib - how would I go about doing this without actually installing taglib on my system (is it even possible)? Namely, what's the dependency command I need in my CMakeLists.txt + any include & link commands I would need. Thanks.<br>
<br>I've tried `find_package(taglib)' but that throws an error in taglib-config.cmake:<br><br>find_package Error reading CMake code from<br> "C:/projects/mediasynch/MediaIndexer/../taglib/taglib-config.cmake")<br>
<br>cmake configures the project fine if I do it as a standalone.<br>