I'm having an issue with the Win32 port. This appears to happen to any of the ones that have been posted recently. It seems as if the MP3 file I'm trying to read has a bad tag. <br><br>The error is: vector substring is out of range
<br><br>and the call stack is:<br> msvcp80d.dll!std::_Debug_message(const wchar_t * message=0x00585e60, const wchar_t * file=0x00585ea8, unsigned int line=756) Line 23 C++<br> tag.dll!std::vector<char,std::allocator<char> >::operator[](unsigned int _Pos=1024) Line 756 + 0x17 bytes C++
<br> tag.dll!TagLib::ByteVector::operator[](int index=1024) Line 537 C++<br> tag.dll!TagLib::MPEG::File::nextFrameOffset(long position=11659) Line 456 + 0x26 bytes C++<br> tag.dll!TagLib::MPEG::File::firstFrameOffset
() Line 497 C++<br> tag.dll!TagLib::MPEG::Properties::read() Line 149 + 0xd bytes C++<br> tag.dll!TagLib::MPEG::Properties::Properties(TagLib::MPEG::File * file=0x014e4fa0, TagLib::AudioProperties::ReadStyle style=Average) Line 73 C++
<br> tag.dll!TagLib::MPEG::File::read(bool readProperties=true, TagLib::AudioProperties::ReadStyle propertiesStyle=Average) Line 553 + 0x33 bytes C++<br> tag.dll!TagLib::MPEG::File::File(const char * file=0x014e4e20, bool readProperties=true, TagLib::AudioProperties::ReadStyle propertiesStyle=Average) Line 231 C++
<br> tag.dll!TagLib::FileRef::create(const char * fileName=0x014e4e20, bool readAudioProperties=true, TagLib::AudioProperties::ReadStyle audioPropertiesStyle=Average) Line 169 + 0x34 bytes C++<br> tag.dll!TagLib::FileRef::FileRef
(const char * fileName=0x014e4e20, bool readAudioProperties=true, TagLib::AudioProperties::ReadStyle audioPropertiesStyle=Average) Line 59 + 0x31 bytes C++<br><br>The error also occurrs if whether I use the c or c++ calls:
<br><br> TagLib::FileRef file(mFileName.c_str());<br>or<br> file = taglib_file_new(mFileName.c_str());<br><br>Is there a way to check if the file is bad before this point so the app doesn't crash and burn?<br><br>Thanks,