zlib in Windows build/binaries

Lukáš Lalinský lalinsky at gmail.com
Fri Jul 4 19:43:12 CEST 2008

Dňa Pi, 2008-07-04 o 18:29 +0100, jon bird napísal:
> Hi all,
> I've just started playing with the Windows port of taglib and in the 
> process have come across a couple of issues. Firstly, I'm not too sure 
> how useful the binaries are since they are keyed to a specific Visual 
> Studio (in this case VC7) set of runtime DLLs.
> The 'C' wrapper is probably okay for the most part however I saw some 
> odd memory crashes when attempting to link the C++ DLL to into Visual 
> Studio 9. Building the libs from scratch (ie. so they all use VC9 
> runtime DLLs) seems to resolve this.

Various versions of MSVC not being compatible with each other is a known
fact. Perhaps I should remove the VC 2003 binary.

> Secondly, on the back of this if you build taglib from the sources "as 
> is" zlib support isn't included, this then causes taglib to crash when 
> it tries to parse a compressed frame.

If taglib crashes then it's a bug, it should just ignore such frames.

> I'm not sure if this behaviour is 
> unique to Windows or whether this is the case if zlib isn't included on 
> any platform. Certainly if I include the Win32 zlib libraries in the 
> build, the frame is processed correctly. This then begs the final 
> question, do the pre-build binaries include zlib support?

No, they don't. My mistake. I'll fix it this weekend.


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