<div class="markdown_content"><ul>
<li><strong>status</strong>: open-fixed --> closed-fixed</li>
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<p><strong> <a class="alink strikethrough" href="http://sourceforge.net/p/rkward/bugs/131">[bugs:#131]</a> rk.results doesn't print the factors levels</strong></p>
<p><strong>Status:</strong> closed-fixed<br />
<strong>Group:</strong> FIXED IN SVN<br />
<strong>Labels:</strong> rk.results <br />
<strong>Created:</strong> Fri Aug 30, 2013 03:58 PM UTC by Alfredo Sánchez Alberca<br />
<strong>Last Updated:</strong> Mon Sep 29, 2014 05:44 PM UTC<br />
<strong>Owner:</strong> nobody</p>
<p>When I print a data.frame with rk.results it doesn't print the levles of factors. Looking inside the rk.results code, I see that the problem is with the cat function, To solve the problem, I propose to change the lines that contains<br />
cat("", x<span>[row, col]</span>, "", sep = "")<br />
with<br />
cat(paste("", x<span>[row, col]</span>, "", sep = ""))</p>
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