These days I came across some data with ordinal and nominal values. The project was to be done with SPSS but I said to try with R and rkward with which I go faster.<br><br>However there were some ordinal data which SPSS has a way to handle them. For example for variable ABC in the variables tab you declare:
<br>from 1 to 4<br>1 as A<br>2 as B<br>3 as C<br>4 as D <br>Thus it can run the wilcoxon tests and other no parametric needed. But when I import the data the variables are imported as factor variables and the wilcoxon tests don't play.
<br><br>From your knowledge in R is there a way we can handle this? Can we do something with RKWard?<br><br>Regards,<br>Ilias<br>