KDE Frameworks 5.65.0

David Faure faure at kde.org
Sun Dec 8 10:45:05 GMT 2019

Dear packagers,

KDE Frameworks 5.65.0 has been uploaded to the usual place.

New frameworks: KQuickCharts.

Public release next Saturday.

Thanks for the packaging work!

David Faure, faure at kde.org, http://www.davidfaure.fr
Working on KDE Frameworks 5
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attica v5.65.0-rc1
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baloo v5.65.0-rc1
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bluez-qt v5.65.0-rc1
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breeze-icons v5.65.0-rc1
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extra-cmake-modules v5.65.0-rc1
41634536ca1165a758acd85aa11112177616019e2d3974693a92d1d9bc91c105  sources/extra-cmake-modules-5.65.0.tar.xz
frameworkintegration v5.65.0-rc1
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kactivities v5.65.0-rc1
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kactivities-stats v5.65.0-rc1
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karchive v5.65.0-rc1
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kcalendarcore v5.65.0-rc1
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c7ebd744c1c8dbc1b8adcf815a7a019b73e5f85653dda3e19dc9f31cab4e7701  sources/portingAids/kdelibs4support-5.65.0.tar.xz
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kdoctools v5.65.0-rc1
0ff2b70bc46ffc7b62dba9476163ed26ba7fddb8be0ba34ecf48055bcabb649b  sources/kdoctools-5.65.0.tar.xz
kemoticons v5.65.0-rc1
923853ef4fd472369f9d5ec3732d6d03dc55b6ba1dd79146f24551d642e09e51  sources/kemoticons-5.65.0.tar.xz
kfilemetadata v5.65.0-rc1
6f3007fc40ef4097c0e3b41f1e91de6e15cd1b7a25060523bd39c9814ff52429  sources/kfilemetadata-5.65.0.tar.xz
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48fc4678ad28aaba07056b2e6f4b8cc7b8e9522cad8dbed43980a0b38ad9b8df  sources/kglobalaccel-5.65.0.tar.xz
kguiaddons v5.65.0-rc1
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kholidays v5.65.0-rc1
613f9050c4970a22680c72680dc76d45b270fb5b76129a994a375ad158ab832c  sources/kholidays-5.65.0.tar.xz
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ki18n v5.65.0-rc1
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6549774254705861654e0393ab53b7a06b62415644d6bbe5479f7458b22895c5  sources/kiconthemes-5.65.0.tar.xz
kidletime v5.65.0-rc1
10b12437efb42c66956a728dad3a04d84dab5a081536a3b7029393a0ae3f1722  sources/kidletime-5.65.0.tar.xz
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51ed246d07e33b5214a5594566955c2b1eff44e009998e74d7f2fe8011f82d13  sources/kimageformats-5.65.0.tar.xz
kinit v5.65.0-rc1
bbff3999f40d67284e7f90118f29dbedc9fdd673ce74f29f82a9115f4b5efbc1  sources/kinit-5.65.0.tar.xz
kio v5.65.0-rc1
05ebfee0b25ee8cbb470751ad22172848d6d30d72c909651a07b770768a4a734  sources/kio-5.65.0.tar.xz
kirigami v5.65.0-rc1
034222e4beec5c5b142cdbdd35304fe5374097367237af1feb5252dabe87e261  sources/kirigami2-5.65.0.tar.xz
kitemmodels v5.65.0-rc1
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kjobwidgets v5.65.0-rc1
2b68d848b086f274020334cadd28d212125e05a7fdd97ff97ac801aed80ec852  sources/kjobwidgets-5.65.0.tar.xz
kjs v5.65.0-rc1
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kjsembed v5.65.0-rc1
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kmediaplayer v5.65.0-rc1
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knewstuff v5.65.0-rc1
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knotifications v5.65.0-rc1
9d766c1566ea7cab83e6cd9c57f76583b3404f9864ed1ba1bc65535ea4c98087  sources/knotifications-5.65.0.tar.xz
knotifyconfig v5.65.0-rc1
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kpackage v5.65.0-rc1
5ac5f6a687c244709487bc47d7aeca276ad7a925d7618fdf04a7af0e1e3fa581  sources/kpackage-5.65.0.tar.xz
kparts v5.65.0-rc1
f0fb059a21c744fd5da8e201e4fe329ed1bccaf586541fecd55ddb48191e725f  sources/kparts-5.65.0.tar.xz
kpeople v5.65.0-rc1
e12ab7b8b02369a505f2f408b9ffba6742369e9f8b9fa7cafed9b23a49526eac  sources/kpeople-5.65.0.tar.xz
kplotting v5.65.0-rc1
967d483cba446a2fb734cd1bcc5340349b62f38f41b3759cc58bf8970ac3b719  sources/kplotting-5.65.0.tar.xz
kpty v5.65.0-rc1
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kquickcharts v5.65.0-rc1
40644d0cf54ddd6e4c68afc26269030c91709944e77639a93f9685884ec549c2  sources/kquickcharts-5.65.0.tar.xz
kross v5.65.0-rc1
c7414c2d6bb959920c2dca01c2b50131a5715629e0229283f8e6dfcfae1a64a5  sources/portingAids/kross-5.65.0.tar.xz
krunner v5.65.0-rc1
0806c1d9ade246348e952e538cc75dc303c27728a887b67dbf27edac6cffffe6  sources/krunner-5.65.0.tar.xz
kservice v5.65.0-rc1
663ca1539929e9d1188de3732fc8d1353bc5714b434fdf2fa37c4769e4b26fa3  sources/kservice-5.65.0.tar.xz
ktexteditor v5.65.0-rc1
830aed1f7d181bf79e57a11373046baf762507a30fe1adc19cb2fc13d9be60c0  sources/ktexteditor-5.65.0.tar.xz
ktextwidgets v5.65.0-rc1
dedad270e03688f937b72e683a249bad464a22df3f97a1cd1bc3be400ec31a11  sources/ktextwidgets-5.65.0.tar.xz
kunitconversion v5.65.0-rc1
aa751f4b5d9648656120e9e99b0e28560e468daa01156c85865fbfca42de683d  sources/kunitconversion-5.65.0.tar.xz
kwallet v5.65.0-rc1
93822bded2273e21be16d8c34c5f33939afeba0dd9d4f2f3ff3ae93029f71eb0  sources/kwallet-5.65.0.tar.xz
kwayland v5.65.0-rc1
75b22e59dd6d3d70ce7a46b8d431050e2f00f6094ae25e969af90ae535037b12  sources/kwayland-5.65.0.tar.xz
kwidgetsaddons v5.65.0-rc1
f5124ae8beb1da1ec5cca979b862c398635ee84e87283a7f528978df928a971d  sources/kwidgetsaddons-5.65.0.tar.xz
kwindowsystem v5.65.0-rc1
9745aebe1d0fdcdede623b9a7cd55b86520e3122278a6c4f82ebb83e0cf514c2  sources/kwindowsystem-5.65.0.tar.xz
kxmlgui v5.65.0-rc1
1de343bd51ba57053fd30eefb2237fb022b7cc274be6132fb9064bec64c39e95  sources/kxmlgui-5.65.0.tar.xz
kxmlrpcclient v5.65.0-rc1
2b29df46f16c606488238c7936b8cfc198f06549e01ad4b52cae0cb66fa85282  sources/kxmlrpcclient-5.65.0.tar.xz
modemmanager-qt v5.65.0-rc1
21cd64acbe50d402ea5c3636e628acbc8c73ee32021a6e184c449380216380c2  sources/modemmanager-qt-5.65.0.tar.xz
networkmanager-qt v5.65.0-rc1
171bac57c2f965b893a70e8bbeab5e1ed80d7d6df97cc52b0a830acdf0c1b82a  sources/networkmanager-qt-5.65.0.tar.xz
oxygen-icons5 v5.65.0-rc1
a0e6868aa905f2ca784164fc80b2cb85b1dcebf12588bc4a023c46550923d665  sources/oxygen-icons5-5.65.0.tar.xz
plasma-framework v5.65.0-rc1
794616029509897bdf1685fc1fd0b6cfb66f4edd3627aa69138f100a4615c826  sources/plasma-framework-5.65.0.tar.xz
prison v5.65.0-rc1
8dd4400817b4863597eb87fafce27f6cb11ad8a1f4da7491e4c9e4dcaa2fdff1  sources/prison-5.65.0.tar.xz
purpose v5.65.0-rc1
680700a330cee3a82e9cba02a511cd2963aa20875c99e863b4b93998efc81e24  sources/purpose-5.65.0.tar.xz
qqc2-desktop-style v5.65.0-rc1
a583e4ed8a4513fdd287d432d9a68fa30941803c7a77ce58f2a08b9d77d9628c  sources/qqc2-desktop-style-5.65.0.tar.xz
solid v5.65.0-rc1
e94cf8e434b49b8a70318a41219e18b6d2d3b1912a2c3050b69cd66773cc3d00  sources/solid-5.65.0.tar.xz
sonnet v5.65.0-rc1
1f63ccfa8266e167fd996a253a3d1933a913c12e829056c74fe335fbfb327cbc  sources/sonnet-5.65.0.tar.xz
syndication v5.65.0-rc1
1be1bd32b4c75c6bb1b35d67cc7643089e0c525cb30e392220c1ac88240e7694  sources/syndication-5.65.0.tar.xz
syntax-highlighting v5.65.0-rc1
5ac5cffeed055adb7f1ef734bab41268dcfbf5e0abdefcf82df2be4479dfc97b  sources/syntax-highlighting-5.65.0.tar.xz
threadweaver v5.65.0-rc1
19d74c5feb15903047d8bdf7fd1c94b4b6d0d22f3c860ff99ed1ef00a1f4b8b0  sources/threadweaver-5.65.0.tar.xz
-------------- next part --------------
New module: KQuickCharts -- a QtQuick module providing high-performance charts.

### Breeze Icons

* Pixel align color-picker
* Add new baloo icons
* Add new preferences search icons
* Use an eyedropper for color-picker icons (bug 403924)
* Add "all applications" category icon

### Extra CMake Modules

* EBN extra-cmake-modules transport cleanup
* Explicitly use lib for systemd directories
* Add install dir for systemd units
* KDEFrameworkCompilerSettings: enable all Qt & KF deprecation warnings

### Framework Integration

* Conditionally set SH_ScrollBar_LeftClickAbsolutePosition based on kdeglobals setting (bug 379498)
* Set application name and version on the knshandler tool

### KDE Doxygen Tools

* Fix module imports with Python3

### KAuth

* Install .pri file for KAuthCore

### KBookmarks

* Deprecate KonqBookmarkMenu and KonqBookmarkContextMenu
* Move classes only used by KonqBookmarkMenu together with it

### KCalendarCore #

* Fallback to system time zone on calendar creation with an invalid one
* Memory Calendar: avoid code duplication
* Use QDate as key in mIncidencesForDate in MemoryCalendar
* Handle incidences in different time zones in MemoryCalendar

### KCMUtils

* [KCMultiDialog] Remove most special margins handling; it's done in KPageDialog now
* KPluginSelector: use new KAboutPluginDialog
* Add guard for missing kirigami (bug 405023)
* Disable the restore defaults button if the KCModule says so
* Have KCModuleProxy take care of the defaulted state
* Make KCModuleQml conform to the defaulted() signal

### KCompletion

* Refactor KHistoryComboBox::insertItems

### KConfig

* Document Notifiers setting
* Only create a session config when actually restoring a session
* kwriteconfig: add delete option
* Add KPropertySkeletonItem
* Prepare KConfigSkeletonItem to allow inheriting its private class

### KConfigWidgets

* [KColorScheme] Make order of decoration colors match DecorationRole enum
* [KColorScheme] Fix mistake in NShadeRoles comment
* [KColorScheme/KStatefulBrush] Switch hardcoded numbers for enum items
* [KColorScheme] Add items to ColorSet and Role enums for the total number of items
* Register KKeySequenceWidget to KConfigDialogManager
* Adjust KCModule to also channel information about defaults

### KCoreAddons

* Deprecate KAboutData::fromPluginMetaData, now there is KAboutPluginDialog
* Add a descriptive warning when inotify_add_watch returned ENOSPC (bug 387663)
* Add test for bug "bug-414360" it's not a ktexttohtml bug (bug 414360)

### KDBusAddons

* Include API to generically implement --replace arguments

### KDeclarative

* EBN kdeclarative transfer protocol cleanup
* Adapt to change in KConfigCompiler
* make header and footer visible when they get content
* support qqmlfileselectors
* Allow to disable autosave behavior in ConfigPropertyMap

### KDED

* Remove kdeinit dependency from kded

### KDELibs 4 Support

* remove unused kgesturemap from kaction

### KDocTools

* Catalan Works: Add missing entities

### KI18n

* Undeprecate I18N_NOOP2

### KIconThemes

* Deprecate top-level UserIcon method, no longer used

### KIO

* Add new protocol for 7z archives
* [CopyJob] When linking also consider https for text-html icon
* [KFileWidget] Avoid calling slotOk right after the url changed (bug 412737)
* [kfilewidget] Load icons by name
* KRun: don't override user preferred app when opening local *.*html and co. files (bug 399020)
* Repair FTP/HTTP proxy querying for the case of no proxy
* Ftp ioslave: Fix ProxyUrls parameter passing
* [KPropertiesDialog] provide a way of showing the target of a symlink (bug 413002)
* [Remote ioslave] Add Display Name to remote:/ (bug 414345)
* Fix HTTP proxy settings (bug 414346)
* [KDirOperator] Add Backspace shortcut to back action
* When kioslave5 couldn't be found in libexec-ish locations try $PATH
* [Samba] Improve warning message about netbios name
* [DeleteJob] Use a separate worker thread to run actual IO operation (bug 390748)
* [KPropertiesDialog] Make creation date string mouse-selectable too (bug 413902)

* Deprecated KTcpSocket and KSsl* classes
* Remove the last traces of KSslError from TCPSlaveBase
* Port ssl_cert_errors meta data from KSslError to QSslError
* Deprecate KTcpSocket overload of KSslErrorUiData ctor
* [http kio slave] use QSslSocket instead of KTcpSocket (deprecated)
* [TcpSlaveBase] port from KTcpSocket (deprecated) to QSslSocket

### Kirigami

* Fix margins of ToolBarHeader
* Do not crash when icon's source is empty
* MenuIcon: fix warnings when the drawer isn't initialized
* Account for a mnemonic label to go back to ""
* Fix InlineMessage actions always being placed in overflow menu
* Fix default card background (bug 414329)
* Icon: solve threading issue on when the source is http
* keyboard navigation fixes
* i18n: extract messages also from C++ sources
* Fix cmake project command position
* Make QmlComponentsPool one instance per engine (bug 414003)
* Switch ToolBarPageHeader to use the icon collapse behaviour from ActionToolBar
* ActionToolBar: Automatically change to icon-only for actions marked KeepVisible
* Add a displayHint property to Action
* add the dbus interface in the static version
* Revert "take into account dragging speed when a flick ends"
* FormLayout: Fix label height if wide mode is false
* don't show the handle by default when not modal
* Revert "Ensure that GlobalDrawer topContent always stays on top"
* Use a RowLayout for laying out ToolBarPageHeader
* Vertically center left actions in ActionTextField (bug 413769)
* irestore dynamic watch of tablet mode
* replace SwipeListItem
* support actionsVisible property
* start SwipeListItem port to SwipeDelegate

### KItemModels

* Deprecate KRecursiveFilterProxyModel
* KNumberModel: gracefully handle a stepSize of 0
* Expose KNumberModel to QML
* Add new class KNumberModel that is a model of numbers between two values
* Expose KDescendantsProxyModel to QML
* Add qml import for KItemModels

### KNewStuff

* Add some friendly "report bugs here" links
* Fix i18n syntax to avoid runtime errors (bug 414498)
* Turn KNewStuffQuick::CommentsModel into a SortFilterProxy for reviews
* Correctly set i18n arguments in one pass (bug 414060)
* These functions are @since 5.65, not 5.64
* Add OBS to screenrecorders (bug 412320)
* Fix a couple of broken links, update links to https://kde.org/applications/
* Fix translations of $GenericName
* Show a "Loading more..." busy indicator when loading view data
* Give some more pretty feedback in NewStuff::Page while the Engine is loading (bug 413439)
* Add an overlay component for item activity feedback (bug 413441)
* Only show DownloadItemsSheet if there's more than one download item (bug 413437)
* Use the pointing hand cursor for the single-clickable delegates (bug 413435)
* Fix the header layouts for EntryDetails and Page components (bug 413440)

### KNotification

* Make the docs reflect that setIconName should be preferred over setPixmap when possible
* Document configuration file path on Android

### KParts

* Mark BrowserRun::simpleSave properly as deprecated
* BrowserOpenOrSaveQuestion: move AskEmbedOrSaveFlags enum from BrowserRun

### KPeople

* Allow triggering sort from QML

### kquickcharts

New module.
The Quick Charts module provides a set of charts that can be used from QtQuick
applications. They are intended to be used for both simple display of data as
well as continuous display of high-volume data (often referred to as plotters).
The charts use a system called distance fields for their accelerated rendering,
which provides ways of using the GPU for rendering 2D shapes without loss of

### KTextEditor

* KateModeManager::updateFileType(): validate modes and reload menu of the status bar
* Verify modes of the session config file
* LGPLv2+ after ok by Svyatoslav Kuzmich
* restore files pre-format

### KTextWidgets

* Deprecate kregexpeditorinterface
* [kfinddialog] Remove usage of kregexpeditor plugin system

### KWayland

* [server] Do not own dmabuf implementation
* [server] Make double-buffered properties in xdg-shell double-buffered

### KWidgetsAddons

* [KSqueezedTextLabel] Add icon for "Copy entire text" action
* Unify KPageDialog margin handling into KPageDialog itself (bug 413181)

### KWindowSystem

* Adjust count after _GTK_FRAME_EXTENTS addition
* Add support for _GTK_FRAME_EXTENTS


* Drop unused broken KGesture support
* Add KAboutPluginDialog, to be used with KPluginMetaData
* Also allow invoking session restoration logic when apps are manually launched (bug 413564)
* Add missing property to KKeySequenceWidget

### Oxygen Icons

* Symlink microphone to audio-input-microphone on all sizes (bug 398160)

### Plasma Framework

* move backgroundhints managment in Applet
* use the file selector in the interceptor
* more use of ColorScope
* also monitor window changes
* support for user removing background and automatic shadow
* support file selectors
* support qml file selectors
* remove stray qgraphicsview stuff
* don't delete and recreate wallpaperinterface if not needed
* MobileTextActionsToolBar check if controlRoot is undefined before using it
* Add hideOnWindowDeactivate to PlasmaComponents.Dialog

### Purpose

* include the cmake command we are about to use

### QQC2StyleBridge

* [TabBar] Use window color instead of button color (bug 413311)
* bind enabled properties to the view enabled
* [ToolTip] Base timeout on text length
* [ComboBox] Don't dim Popup
* [ComboBox] Don't indicate focus when popup is open
* [ComboBox] Follow focusPolicy

### Solid

* [udisks2] fix media change detection for external optical drives (bug 394348)

### Sonnet

* Disable ispell backend with mingw
* Implement ISpellChecker backend for Windows >= 8
* Basic cross-compiling support for parsetrigrams
* embed trigrams.map into shared library

### Syndication

* Fix Bug 383381 - Getting the feed URL from a youtube channel no longer works (bug 383381)
* Extract code so we can fix parsing code (bug 383381)
* atom has icon support (So we can use specific icon in akregator)
* Convert as a real qtest apps

### Syntax Highlighting

* Updates from CMake 3.16 final release
* reStructuredText: Fix inline literals highlighting preceding characters
* rst: Add support for standalone hyperlinks
* JavaScript: move keywords from TypeScript and other improvements
* JavaScript/TypeScript React: rename syntax definitions
* LaTeX: fix backslash delimiter in some keywords (bug 413493)

### ThreadWeaver

* Use URL with transport encryption

### Security information

The released code has been GPG-signed using the following key:
pub rsa2048/58D0EE648A48B3BB 2016-09-05 David Faure <faure at kde.org>
Primary key fingerprint: 53E6 B47B 45CE A3E0 D5B7  4577 58D0 EE64 8A48 B3BB

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