Tagging & Release delayed for KDE SC 4.4-beta1

Anne-Marie Mahfouf annemarie.mahfouf at free.fr
Mon Nov 30 15:27:05 CET 2009


I'd like to understand what kde-qt is versus 4.6-branch from Qt git. I was 
told recently that kde-qt is not synched with Qt git repo and that some fixes 
are already in Qt git repo and not in kde-qt thus some crashes are already 
If so, why do we use kde-qt? and what Qt is recommanded for beta 1?

Since we switched to qt 4.6 I see numerous crashes with Qt-only backtraces. 
For example http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTBUG-5090 which happens in 
several QGraphicsScene based KDE apps. The Nokia assigner could not reproduce 
it with Qt 4.6...


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