<div dir="ltr"><div>Sorry it to me long to get back, too. I never got your reply and this kind of got lost in the shuffle.<br><br>Re-looking it over, I agree wholeheartedly. I'll take another swing at it and aim for a more simplified version that keep with the current layout of the icon. Looking at what I sent it does feel both overcomplicated and flat at the same time. No time guarantees on any work, but consider it in the pipes again.<br>
<br>Sorry for the improper quote.<br></div> - Ken<br><div><span class="sewpu0l9rq5oi8w"></span><span class="sewpu0l9rq5oi8w"></span><br>>> Hi Ken,<br>>> and sorry for the VERY LATE reply. I took a look to your work, I thought<br>
>> about, I took my time... and I think that rekonq icon is Lionel's one. Let<br>>> me please explain this.<br>>> In our early days, we had an easy icon done by a child (one of rekonq first<br>>> supporters). Then Lionel started thinking about implementing a new one. He<br>
>> thought a lot about and we discuss a lot of times: the world, the blue, the<br>>> dragon with red eyes embracing it and so on.<br>>> Given this, you are allowed and I am personally very happy about someone<br>
>> working on the icon. But I think the dragon should stay in the position it<br>>> is in Lionel's one. Main target of a new icon should be rewamp and<br>>> simplificate it.<br>>> Hope I clarified my opinion about.<br>
>> <br>>> Regards,</div></div>