[rekonq] Re: Plasma Active webbrowser

Andrea Diamantini adjam7 at gmail.com
Wed Jul 27 15:30:38 CEST 2011

On 07/26/2011 01:48 PM, Marco Martin wrote:
> On Tuesday 26 July 2011, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
>> On Tuesday, July 26, 2011 12:02:55 Andrea Diamantini wrote:
>>> Hi all,I'm here to say I'm sorry I could no more work on this active
>>> browser port.In fact in all my attempts "against" QML, it seems clear to
>>> me I cannotreach there any sort of KDE integration, at least the one
>>> needed forrekonq code (access manager, webpage control, web elements
>>> access).
>> if we came to this kind of conclusion within Plasma we'd never get anything
>> done. :) nearly everything we've done from the start of QGraphicsScene to
>> now with QML has been at the edge of what seems possible. but we find
>> ways, and the starting point is to not accept the idea that it can't be
>> done.
> and yet there are still things that are not possible or things that will be
> harder in the future, due to drastically divergence of views between "us and
> them(tm)", but some times just byte the bullet and go on ;)

I can understand your POVs. But I'm just saying here I'm choosing other 
priorities to work on. On rekonq side there is just "a lot" to do 
without spending time with QML.
On our first discussion it seemed this QML browser was just a "adjust 
some code and better separe UI from feature implementation" to let 
everything work. And it is not. Everything here has to be rewritten 
"quite" from scratch. And without (yet) a strong motivation for my app.
I'm not saying it cannot be done. I'm just saying I don't have time to.

>> that desktop rekonq may wish to rethink using HTML for those items: while
>> it looks ok right now, it's rather clunky and the amount of work to make
>> it snazzy and gorgeous in, say, HTML5 will likely be as much work (with
>> likely lower quality results) than doing it in QML. starting with the QML
>> that sebastian has already written for the web dashboard for Plasma Active
>> would be an interesting starting point, imho.
>> see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IgdnuxcUcWg starting at 2:00 to see what
>> we currently have there.
> eh, i was thinking about using that very qml as a "default page" for the
> browser, as it could make sense for it to be out of the workspace.
> and note, that view (also because it uses pretty abstract components we did
> for other things) represents just a few hors of work and a surprisingly little
> amount of code

Actually I'm not working at all on the "default page" (I'm just letting 
the security team desperate with my "fanciful" SSL proposals), but 
Pierre proposed a js based implementation of it.
It really is a bit.. "organic". But it works well. We can obviously 
change our minds here.

> Cheers,
> Marco Martin
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Andrea Diamantini, adjam
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