[rekonq] Menu bar

Eelko Berkenpies kaboon at gmail.com
Fri Sep 25 11:59:32 CEST 2009

Hello all,

I was wondering if there plans to make layout somewhat configurable so
it'll be possible to have a menu bar when you want one. Today I showed
rekonq to some colleague's here at work and they couldn't live with
the fact that the menu got lost in pre 0.3 (it was too IE'ish). I
showed them versions 0.2 and 0.2.59(?).

And what are the opinions on this? I guess I could give it an attempt
as a hacking project but my Qt knowledge is pretty much 0 at the
moment. I'm not completely unfamiliar with programming languages so I
guess I could pick it up quite soon. But I might decide to postpone
the work on this if it's not up for discussion. :)

With kind regards / Met vriendelijke groet,

Eelko Berkenpies

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