Hi,<br><br>i saw that you restarted working on raptor, which is a great idea because kickoff is just not usable (even lancelot), it is too big (on netbook unusable)<br><br>so i re-tried bringin back the svn trunk, but i was surprised to see that it doesnt work anymore.<br>
<br>i actually use kde 4.3-svn (4.2.65) and 4.2.1 at work<br><br>got this error :<br><br><br>~/downloads/ !500<br>svn co svn://<a href="http://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk/playground/base/raptormenu/">anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk/playground/base/raptormenu/</a><br>
svn: L'URL 'svn://<a href="http://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk/playground/base/raptormenu">anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk/playground/base/raptormenu</a>' n'existe pas<br><br>id really like to be able to build and follow you job.<br>
<br>quick question regarding raptor itself, the last times i compiled it it was very big as well, is it a wish to have it big ? or is it planned to have it smaller ?<br><br>thanks by advance<br><br>Ludovic L'HOIR<br><br>
Networks and Systems Manager<br><br>