<p>Alex Merry, Marco Martin, thank you for your replies. I've already tried IRC and Helping hands on KDE forum, but my questions were ignored there.</p>
<p>I'm trying to make an applet for easy pasting emoticons in chats. By my design it should display all emoticons of current system theme and allow to select any marking of any of selected emoticon (e. g. <img title=":-)" src="http://s.rambler.ru/000092/i/smiles/smail.gif" alt=":-)" /> <img title=":)" src="http://s.rambler.ru/000092/i/smiles/smail.gif" alt=":)" /> or =) ) and copy it to clipboard, so as switch between emoticons themes installed. Here is the code: http://pastebin.com/ay7692hR</p>
<p>It sounds very simple, but I've got numerous troubles (maybe because of having no experience in QML / KDE development). So here are my questions:</p>
<p>0) Now I use ButtonRow and KDE toolbuttons to display selected emoticon's marking. On selecting emoticon I make the first button of the ButtonRow checked as</p>
<p>symbols_buttons.children[0].checked = true</p>
<p>Though that works, it writes `Error: Cannot assign to non-existent property "checked"` to debug. Is there any way to convert children[i] to Plasma ToolButton type to avoid that notification?</p>
<p>1) On pressing button "To clipboard" selected marking of selected emoticon should be copied to clipboard. Forums report that QML cannot access clipboard other than through wrapped C++ classes. Is that an actual info? Currently I'm using an invisible textbox a it's method copy(). Is there a more convenient variant (but without wrapping)?</p>
<p>2) Maybe better way is to use double click to copy to clibboard default marking of clicked emoticon, while other markings would be accessible through the context menu. But how can I add items to menu? I've tried as described here (http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.kde.devel.plasma/20470) but that didn't help (no class MenuItem found).</p>
<p>3) Using anchors for elements in Row causes error message `Cannot use anchors inside Row` (though it works fine). But how can I attach some elements in Row to it's left side and some - to the right one? In ordinary Qt I would use spacers for that, but QML doesn't contain them.</p>
<p>4) I intended to use ComboBox for displaying current emoticon theme name and icon near it. I was suprised that QML still has no standard Combo implementation. I've found Plasma ComboBox in PlasmaGraphicsWidgets, but it has few problems:</p>
<p>4.0) There's something wrong with it's QPainter. Log says:</p>
<p>QPainter::begin: Paint device returned engine == 0, type: 2</p>
<p>QPainter::setCompositionMode: Painter not active</p>
<p>QPainter::end: Painter not active, aborted</p>
<p>How can that be repaired?</p>
<p>4.1) How do I add any item to it through QML?</p>
<p>4.2) It seems not to support model/delegate view. Any ideas?</p>
<p>5) By the way how can I get the list of emoticons themes (both system and downloaded by user)? Should I just hardcode paths `/usr/share/emoticons/` and `~/.kde4/share/emoticons` or there's a more elegant way exists? And how can I programmatically determine/change currently selected emoticon theme?</p>
<p>I have few more questions but they are less important. Hope to get answers for these ones at first.</p>
<p>Thank you in advance!</p>