Hi<br><br>I created a plasmoid, that shows my BZFlag friends (people I liked to play with).<br><br>When I place the plasmoid on the workspace, after I added some of my "friends", I'm trying scoll on <span class="posthilit">treeview</span>, the content is not changing, unless I resize the whole plasmoid. However if I iconify the plasmoid, and use it as a popup, <span class="posthilit">treeview</span> works well.<br>
<br>I tried with QTreeView, and Plasma::<span class="posthilit">TreeView</span> same behaviour.<br><br>One more thing:<br>I
use an BZFriendsTreeModel (inherits QAbstractItemModel), and it has an
newIndexWidget signal, and when a new row is inserted this signal
emitted, catched on the main(PlayerList) widget, and
QTreeView::setIndexWidget() called.<br><br>Here is the code:<br><a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/bzfriendsplasm/files/Linux-KDE4/Alpha/" class="postlink">https://sourceforge.net/projects/bzfriendsplasm/files/Linux-KDE4/Alpha/</a><br>