Hi.<br><br>I was testing the freespacenotifier kded daemon that is now on kdebase/workspace, and found a possible issue when using plasma as a knotify backend.<br>The code in question does:<br><br> notification = new KNotification( "freespacenotif", 0, KNotification::Persistent );<br>
<br> notification->setText( i18nc( "Warns the user that the system is running low on space on his home folder, indicating the percentage<br>and absolute MiB size remaining, and asks if the user wants to do something about it", "You are running low on disk space on your home<br>
folder (currently %2%, %1 MiB free).\nWould you like to run a file manager to free some disk space?", avail, availpct ) );<br> notification->setActions( QStringList() << i18nc( "Opens a file manager like dolphin", "Open File Manager" ) << i18nc( "Closes the<br>
notification", "Do Nothing" ) << i18nc( "Allows the user to configure the warning notification being shown", "Configure Warning" ) );<br><br>and is at kdebase/workspace/freespacenotifier.cpp.<br>
<br>When rendered using plain old knotify, the resulting popup is<br><img title="freespacenotifier-knotify.png" alt="freespacenotifier-knotify.png" src="cid:ii_12883f7c4556b675"><br><br>while plasma renders it as<br><img title="freespacenotifier-plasma.png" alt="freespacenotifier-plasma.png" src="cid:ii_12883f8133f93cab"><br>
<br>Notice that plasma does not render anything after the \n -- the "Would you like to run a file manager to free some disk space?" part.<br><br>My question is: is this a plasma bug? Should I not use \n? Or should I just reword this so the text gets smaller?<br>
<br>Thanks,<br>Ivo Anjo<br>