Hello people,<br>it's been a while since the last time you heard about me :-) I'm busy with my thesis and everything will be over by the end of April. In the meantime, anyway, i'd like to see the mediacenter stuff back again :-).<br>
I have some ideas here and there in my mind to make concrete for the mediacenter but one thing that reached a good point of maturity was the backend library. I'd like to suggest this as GSoC project for the mediacenter and i'd like to be mentor for this.<br>
<br><b>The idea briefly</b>:<br>there's some sort of complete api already that allows people to write backends able to retrieve media stuff from services like youtube, picasa, flickr and so on.. I was working on some generic dataengines for this together with kde-silk people and i'd like to see this part complete. YouTube, Flicker and Picasa have their own backends already even if some work is still there to be done. The project would be about making these backends ready and develop the relevant models for the model/view stuff of the mediabrowser applet in order to allow browsing media contents from web services. This way we reach 2 goals: a good example of how kde-silk is important and one brick more in the huge wall media center land is.<br>
<br>Ideas are really really welcome.<br><br>Cheers everybody<br><br>P.S.: I miss you all and i'm really sad i'm not there at tokamak with you :(<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Alessandro Diaferia<br>KDE Developer<br>KDE e.V. member<br>