Hi all,<br><br>I read about SoK and it sounds pretty cool. However while I was rejected for GSoC, the project I was pitching for wasn't - ie it is already going to be worked on by someone else for GSoC. So I was wondering if there is something else I might be able to work on for the summer.<br>
<br>FWIW my rejected GSoC proposal is here: <a href="http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dvjmcm4_16hjv6txcf">http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dvjmcm4_16hjv6txcf</a><br>And I have an online portfolio here: <a href="http://yuenhoe.co.cc/portfolio/">http://yuenhoe.co.cc/portfolio/</a><br>
<br>Anybody could give me a hand / could use a hand? :D<br clear="all">----<br>Lim Yuen Hoe<br><a href="http://yuenhoe.co.cc/">http://yuenhoe.co.cc/</a><br>