Hi, I am Emmanuel Lepage Vallee, a 19 years old student from french Canada. I am trying for the second time to get into plasma development with google summer of code. Last years, my media center proposal was rejected and I am back this years with a netbook like interface for MID and other type of computer. Since last years, I did learn Qt and KDElibs. My main project is not ready to be shown yet (I don't want to make this mistake of previous similar project who died because they were released too early), but one of my other project is. Here is an HTML editor with smart W3C valid parsing, simple CSS edition, debugger, smart autocompletion and much more. In the current state, the project management and broken, just copy and paste stuff in it if you want to try it <a href="http://ossdb.no-ip.org/kimberlite.tar.bz2">http://ossdb.no-ip.org/kimberlite.tar.bz2</a>. Once I will have time to fix the XML bug, I will post release it (GPL or LGPL, like Qt). By the way, can I get an svn account to upload it on extragear or playground?<br>
<br>Back to the "easymode", "plasma-mid", " alternative desktop shell" or what name you want to call it, here is the first batch of mockup <a href="http://ossdb.no-ip.org/proposal_09.pdf">http://ossdb.no-ip.org/proposal_09.pdf</a> . I talked a lot with notmart and
        <meta http-equiv="CONTENT-TYPE" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
        <style type="text/css">
                @page { margin: 0.79in }
                P { margin-bottom: 0.08in</style>MoRpHeUz on IRC to polish those mockup. I also worked with dotevo, a student who want to submit a media center proposal. I worked with dotevo to make sure the media center would work on MID, as I think it is a critical part to have a successful MID interface (merging the "desktop" with multimedia component). The concept of those mockup is based on Nuno media center mockup (mostly the artwork) found here <a href="http://img213.imageshack.us/img213/3200/image3231picturefz5.png">http://img213.imageshack.us/img213/3200/image3231picturefz5.png</a> and here <a href="http://img26.imageshack.us/img26/3407/image323musicoloectionck2.png">http://img26.imageshack.us/img26/3407/image323musicoloectionck2.png</a> .