<div dir="ltr">Hi, <br><br>For example, the context menu shown by folderview when right clicking on a file icon doesn't have menu items like "Remove this folder view" and "Desktop options". Folderview achieves this by reimplementing mousePressEvent.<br>
<br>But in an AppletScript subclass, there is no mousePressEvent to reimplement. Also I feel reimplementing mousePressEvent to handle customized context menu is a little overkill. I am thinking modifying contextualActions in Applet and AppletScript from QList<QAction*> contextualActions() to QList<QAction*> contextualActions(bool *appendable). If contexualActions set "appendable" flag to false, then the caller should not append more actions.<br>
<br>How do you think about it?<br><br>--<br>Tiger<br><br><br></div>