Monday meeting notes for 15/01/2024

Nicolas Fella nicolas.fella at
Mon Jan 15 15:54:50 GMT 2024


fixed wheel to switch desktop action in folderview
looking at why long touchscreen tap on the desktop crashes plasma, still
no clue
made an upstream merge request for layer shell to reserve edges also for
corner-aligned panels
refactored kirigami.Page to have global toolbars outside of it as the
hack we had broke in Qt 6.7
improved a bit fractional scaling rendering in kirigami icons and the
desktop style.. not perfect yet


I have been busy working on lots of artist-oriented features:

Added more tablet events for my MRs that depend on that
TapHandler eventPoints seem to be missing some pen-specific information
like tilt, I might look into adding that upstream.
Pen buttons are now called that, not "tool buttons" which is a leakage
of the Wayland protocol verbage.
Added a configurable pen pressure curve, which is now ready for review
The pen tester tool, which is now ready for review too
The pen calibration tool, which is still ready for review as well
Other KWin changes:

Necessary changes for the pen pressure curve feature
Fix coding style link in CONTRIBUTING
Fix missing epoxy dependency when linking in downstream projects
Tackled some other bugs I found:

Fix fallbacks for -symbolic icons, less colorful icons should show up in
the system tray as expected
Tests for that functionality too
Fixed camera-video-symbolic recoloring


we did some fixes for fractional scaling in qqc2-desktop-style
some issues should be resolved but I also tracked an issue down to a
potential bug in Qt itself
it's unfortunately a little tricky to verify and fix

but it leads to rendering glitches in the kscreen kcm where sometimes a
single line will disappear or be duplicated


did some refactoring for how presentation is done in KWin, to make
triple buffering, adaptive sync and such stuff easier to deal with
I wrote a mostly complete implementation of "triple buffering" (there's
too many meanings for that word) in KWin, which makes dropping frames
because the GPU is too slow less bad
fixed multi gpu giving garbled output with older GPUs
fixed a bunch of KWin bugs with OpenGL ES. Color management is still
broken, but everything else looks good now
looked a bit into finally upstreaming our blur Wayland protocol
now I'm working on fixing some performance regressions


Released Plasma 6 RC1 into Fedora Rawhide on Sunday, available now in
nightlies for KDE Spin and Kinoite 🚀
Started looking at gaps for using KWin with LXQt for Wayland
(Two weeks ago) submitted a merge request to fix library name for krdp:
Looking into potentially a w-p submission of an output management
protocol for kwin and wlroots to support



Merged fix for outputOnly on Wayland
OSD should be click-through on Wayland again
should probably be ported to PlasmaWindow, and the Window flags stuff be
made more comfortable so you can easily just set

Added KMessageDialog::beep function
Lets applications that do custom message boxes play the standard
notification sound without KNotification
Kate uses that for its “Save?” dialog now, which is fully custom but
also pretty much a confirm message box
Select current icon when choosing a new toolbar icon, please review:

Made a fix for QtWayland creating a GL context to check whether it needs
a deco or not, even for widget apps
Turns out there’s two places in KDE where it also does that, too:
plasma-integration’s kquicksettings for determining whether to use
software renderer :-(
KCrash to send the GL_VENDOR, can this not be in DrKonqi?
QtWayland takes ~60ms just to load and init the GL integration plug-in,
quite a waste for software-only apps
Found an awful performance regression in the glyph cache with color
fonts compared to Qt 5
when inserting a single emoji it would process and detach and copy the
entire (potentially 16384x1024) texture
plus some RGB-BGR meddling and other wasteful operations
overall there’s a lot of wasteful QImage detaching going on in RHI in
various places :-(

on the subject of notification sound I also had a look at how we could
retrofit that to QMessageBox but it goes through Qt accessibility stuff
and I got lost somewhere..
so yet another reason to do a message dialog helper in
plasma-integration after all ;)


Bugfixes spree for the window switcher and previes KCM. Some MR still
pending review to provide bigger thumbnails.

previews show at 0,0  coordinates instead of centered(Plasma.Dialog
trying to reposition itself outside plasmashell probably)

Many changes on the weather applet and dataengines (targeting 6.1) to
improve alerts. Small roadblock on qml gestures colliding on a list view
inserted into a swipe view.

Some bugfixes too

Would like to join the effort to port out of the weather dataengine.
Great refactor opportunity

David R:

I have been dong some fixes in panelview to allow better sizing by
WHich broke some things that I fixed

And those fixes uncovered other things
but I hope it's fine now


I do have a MR for the new present windows layout algorithm


I've been mostly looking at bugreports and various release-related things
Ported kImageAnnotator to Qt6 so that annotating in Gwenview keeps working
Found another Qt 6.7 regression:

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