Monday meeting notes for 23/1/2023

Marco Martin notmart at
Mon Jan 23 15:48:00 GMT 2023

Beta review day is in three days!

* As you probably noticed KF6 is happening
* We're currently working through the post-branching checklist
* Things are a bit in flux right now, so I don't recommend trying to
"use" it yet
* From a Plasma POV there's a couple of questions:
*/    When do we start requiring KF6 in Plasma?
* IIRC the idea was to do that after 5.27.2 on Tue 2023-02-28  [people
generally agree there]
* My third question would be about kwayland
* Consensus seems to be to drop it, but there's a few usages left
answer by d_ed:
    right, but the target for that is when we release frameworks 6
    it can stay in frameworks in frameworks6 for now
    building on CI and everything, maybe dropping the server side quickly

discussion on when to switch, recap: "It's worth us getting master of
frameworks into a state where plasma runs before toggling things over.
Right now you'll get QML errors on kirigami and nothing will load"

* Make wine application in system tray clickable, now the wayland bug
is also fixed:
* Thoroughly test xwindowtasksmodel:
* I also tried to test waylandtasksmodel, but the model can't
initialize itself because it didn't receive
KWayland::Client::Registry::plasmaWindowManagementAnnounced when
running in nested kwin_wayland. Maybe leave the test for the
taskmanager widget
* Fixed a regression in latte dock caused by "porting away from custom
drag handler", and 3rd-part task manager widgets can work like before.
this update script does not seem to work in beta, which causes Does anyone know why?

* I mainly did some plasma systemmonitor related thigns
* not much more to report than that

* spectacle: Landed video support, noah's looking into polishing the
UI, I'm looking into improving the generated videos.
* Otherwise I've mostly been trying to get bugs sorted out for 5.27.0
on XDP and well, plasma in general.

Kai Uwe
    Only inhibit screen locker on "ChangeScreenSettings", please
review, it’s a behavior change, missed 5.x then I guess:
    Had a look at battery reporting for Bluetooth headset:
        Turns out PulseAudio already tells Bluez, but Bluez only
forwards it to upower (and subsequently Battery Monitor and
PowerDevil) when daemon is run with -E (experimental) flag
        Still I can at least provide that info through plasma-pa,
please review
        Might want to add this info to the popup, too, but ideally
without duplicating it for headphones and the accompanying microphone

# Tests
* done a test for logout greeter
* backported a Qt fix into our patch collection to be able to do
dolphin toolbar testing
* fix in KUrlnavigator to enable dolphin adressbar testing
* started a gui test for dolphin: it looks like some patches in Qt
accessibility will be needed
# Bugfixes
* investigated and fixed a mouse input misbehavior in discover reviews
page (hoverhandler in labels does interesting effects)
* investigated a layout problem in the notifications plasmoid
(transitions in listviews are... meh)

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