Monday meeting notes for 9/1/2023

Marco Martin notmart at
Mon Jan 9 15:33:22 GMT 2023

Gnome is hosting a sprint around graphics stuff (in particular HDR)
Might be interesting for some of us to attend (Probably Xaver will go)
Since it will involve stuff in the lower/shared levels
* Some a11y-related work in kwin_wayland:
* And a big-ish refactor in plasma-nm:
* Besides that I've been working on cleaning up our X11 startup id
handling across all of KDE
* A lot of it was quite broken
* And I worked on making third-party kwin addons translatable
* That's it from me

Kai Uwe
Happy new year :) Did some bloggy things:

Also finally merged the AFC KIO worker for accessing iOS devices.
Please give it a try if you have such a device: (it's in
kio-extras, git master should give it to you already)


    Been investigating various issues in the x11 windowed backend
        glGetTexImage isn’t in GLES, which makes GLTexture::toImage abort KWin.
            Ported it to use a framebuffer and use glReadPixels (will
upload MR shortly)
        It randomly got stuck not continuing to render with no present
complete event. Turns out it doesn’t schedule a frame if damage is
fully empty, unlike all other backends, causing rendering to get stuck
as the frame never “finishes”.
            (will upload MR to drop the damage region check)

Other Wayland:

    Fixed KFilePlacesView context menu appearing as toplevel when
Dolphin doens’t have focus, please review: (should go
into kf5, too)


    Workaround for PlasmoidHeading being a Control, which eats mouse.
Do we have a Qt bug report for that?


    Turn off keyboard backlight when closing the lid, not needed on my
machine and apparently not working with this patch either, please
check it out:


    Add context menu (file menu) to results, so you can e.g. “Open
With” a file that you found, please review:
        Would be nice to have this as a shared component with
Notifications applet, but p-w already depends on Milou, so we can’t
depend on p-w, so we can’t put it in workspace components.
    Improved Service vs Shell runner duplicates, environment variables
are filtered out now, and so are special cmdline args (e.g.
-qwindowtitle), makes "vlc", and "kpat", among other things, find the
proper apps instead of executables now.


    Some more Manifest v3 related fixes and tweaks
    Turns out xesam "artist" is a string list
    Fixed album art not showing up on Soundcloud. It’s a bug on their
end but our code for handling this situation was broken, too :-)

* About
I have no idea how to reduce duplicate code without a boolean if the
two keyboard shortcuts (Move keyboard focus between panels && Activate
a panel widget) will use the same logic to focus on a panel and return
focus to window. Is the change good enough to be merged?
* This MR is begging for more acks:

* we (some Bluesystems people) are starting to look into using
accessibility stuff for gui testing
(as Harald blogged a while ago about iirc as he di the infra)
* so on the next weeks there will be mrs that do that all over the
place, should give us better test coverage also of gui stuff and
accessibility  support getting better as a bonus

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