Monday meeting notes from 11/12/2023

Marco Martin notmart at
Mon Dec 11 15:43:17 GMT 2023

Kai Uwe
    Worked on a nicer public API for XDG foreign, please review:
        It kinda feels like KWindowSystem::setMainWindow should work
with it, too, but it’s WId and not a string, and apps need to cater
for the Wayland case either way? Opinions on the API?
    Investigating how to make QQuickDefaultTextureFactory take into
account devicePixelRatio (for grabToImage) without jeopardizing any of
its internal use cases (SVG and @2x pixmap stuff),
        It’s a bit of a game of whack-a-mole, fix one use case, break
another one :(
        Now just checking for it being a grabresult URL scheme and
setting the DPR from it, to not touch any other codepaths.
        Still need to investigate why drag pixmap in FolderView is still blurry

 i've been doing lots of gear-related stuff. my qmlformat patches are
slowly making their way through the pipeline and will start being
usable from 6.5 onwards for us soon

 im fixing those two kscreenlocker tests that kept failing on the CI:

I tried finding and fixing a caching bug in ksvg but didn't really have any luck

I worked on getting KAccounts ready for KF6
There's still a few unmerged patches on the upstream side
But at least the KDE side should now be ready
[fvoght]: Did you see the signon-ui patch I sent upstream a while ago?
[nico will look]

Other than that I fixed some stuff for service menus in Dolphin/KIO
And I've been thinking that we might want to be more lenient about
supporting older entries that aren't adapted to KF6
To support existing store entries

Fixed media controls on the lockscreen

Looked into why the emoji picker is laggy on 6 but fine on 5
Seems like a regression in QtQuick text rendering perf in Qt6
My best guess is that the glyph caching is broken

I bumped Plasma repos to Qt 6.6
FreeBSD was on Qt 6.6 but nobody told anyone
(Job labels are still Qt 6.5)

Rest of the weeks I spend pressing "stage" on qt CI, but now
QWaylandScreen is public API
And QWindowsScreen and QAndroidScreen as well
if you have use cases for those

    Implement touch action in the at-spi webdriver, which will be
useful in some places:
    Slightly improve the visual feedback of the switch indicator when
it's being dragged: Will
sync to qqc2-d-s once there is a consensus
    Port the device notifier dataengine away. The one is simpler but I
still want to leave it for 6.1 in case of any unexpected regressions
since there is only a smoke test.
    Make the media controller widget more efficient by preventing the
same image from being loaded twice when the widget is expanded. Also
found another ancient transition glitch in StackView.
    Added a new property in WallpaperItem named accentColor to replace
the old repaintNeeded signal, which will be useful for custom accent
colors from wallpapers (especially for the color preview).

* Adapted to QScreen behavior change upon last screen disconenction
* fixed some fallout from the panel applet config popup porting out of
* made the comic applet actually work again
* helped a bit investigating overview animations
* investigation on what store categories need duplicating, asked
Justin as need all of them to be created on store side before doing
any further work
* some more keyboard navigation in panel config
* investigating panel sizing issues

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