nm-applet mouse issue

Robert David robert.david.public at gmail.com
Thu Sep 16 17:22:25 BST 2021

Hi all,

I have regularly an issue with nm-applet which is scrolling the network
list even without doing any scrolling action (just moving mouse on top
of the list).

I'm not sure how to debug this, but this is the only applet that behaves
such (or let say I do not have any other applet with long list of

This makes the nm-applet practically unusable. Sometimes clicking on one
wireless network stop this and I may scroll the list using standard way
(scroll wheel, scroll bar). 

What needs to be noted is that I have touchscreen, so I'm not sure if
somehow the applet may recognize it and behaves differently. But the
touch screen is integral part of the notebook and the behavior sometimes
start happening after some time of plasma desktop running.

Thanks for any tips,

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