Plasma 5.22 Kickoff Notes

David Redondo kde at
Wed Mar 10 09:20:25 GMT 2021

Thank you for your opinion Marco.

Am Mittwoch, 10. März 2021, 09:30:35 CET schrieb Marco Martin:
> wasn't present at the kickoff meeting so commenting just here, just now.
> I'm quite against qqc2-breeze-style and i think it was a mistake.
> It was that the style used in plasma-mobile had bugs, so let's just
> write a whole new style from scratch putting more maintainance burden
> on the time being.

I also was worried about the maintenance burden in the meeting being double 
and having to keep everything in sync.
Furthermore a controls style does not only change the visuals but can also 
influence the behavior of the controls. I feel that the goal of qqc2-breeze-
style to be as similar as possible in that regard to the styles shipped with 
Qt is not one we should aim for. It means that it will lead to a (more) split
desktop experience, missing fixes in qqc2-desktop-style where the default 
behavior is different to widgets or just bad.

As written in the notes many of were suprised of the inclusion, including me.
I thought it would maybe go to extragear, but the issue I think was that the 
review mail never specified the intended place for the project.


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