Moday meeting notes for 11/2/2019

Marco Martin notmart at
Mon Feb 11 11:29:47 GMT 2019

* I've been consumed by eV stuff and to be honest a side project (new app to 
control UAVs)
started three things still to be finished:
* adding Folder-based places widget to Add Widgets, needs some work in the 
framework and a few .desktop files
* making the screenlocker prompt immediately when waking up from suspend
* toying with showing action shortcuts in action delegates in kirigami drawers 
when a keyboard is around
* finding Kirigami bugs while hacking on my app and sending them to Marco or 
patching things I guess

* Pushed my Xwl Dnd patches to KWayland. KWin patches hopefully follow this 
 Was at Plasma Mobile sprint last week. Many highly motivated and skilled 
people attanded. Also it was nice to see Dorota and Tobias from Purism attand. 
I think we should foster these relations to get more people working on design 
and technology of Plasma Mobile in the future. There would definitely be some 
momentum ready to push forward Plasma Mobile.
* To enable this I think we need to work a bit more on the basics. We 
currently don't have a well-defined mechanism for convergence in KWin (we use 
static config files and scripts on Plasma Mobile to force KWin into a mobile-
like interface). For that I propose a more integrated solution in KWin. 
Dorota, Marco and I discussed this at the sprint and we thought about a 
protocol to inform clients about the current preferred usage mode: 
* Please feel free to state your opinion on 

Kai Uwe:
- Fixed bugs in ffmpegthumbnailer
- Added thumbnailer for eBooks
-- Please review D18883 for a new PDF thumbnailer using libpoppler
Diff 18883 "Add PDF thumbnailer" [Needs Review]
- Minor improvements here and there
Work todo:
- Found an optimization I could to do Icon plasmoid
- Try out how Chrome 73's built-in media keys affect or break p-b-i
- Can we go with D18646 now?
  Diff 18646 "[Colors KCM] Add search and filter" [Needs Review] https://

Plasma Mobile:
* plamo sprint
* actually very awesome and vibrant: it was full of young newcomers
* cleaned out plasma mobile top panel code
* new applet popup code taken from minishell
* resizing the focused window when keyboard is open D18818
* talked with people doing Kirigami apps (itinerari, kaidan, kdeconnect 
kirigami version) and fixed many issues they had
* merged the big titledelegate branch
* hide swipelistitem handles when all actions are invisible
* fixed some icon coloring issues
* always show the back button on layers, also on mobile
* navigation buttons don't disappear anymore when the window is too large

Marco Martin

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