Some issues with porting KDE4 plasmoid to Plasma5

Evgeniy Alekseev darkarcanis at
Sun Nov 16 08:00:27 UTC 2014


Some time ago I've started a porting of my plasmoids and dataengines to the 
newest Plasma and found some problems with it. I've ported a DataEngine w\o 
any problem, but I have issues about a Plasmoid. I've read API reference and 
look at examples from plasma-next and didn't find solutions.

First of all I want say that I don't plan to use QML/JS now and plan to 
develop of my plasmoids in pure C++. Firstly it is related to other project 
parts which is in C++/Qt and I don't want to use additional languages w\o any 
special necessity. Also as far as I understand the core plasmoid part (on 
which I have issue too) still shoul be written in C++. Also I try to avoid 
using deprecated functions.

My questions are:

1. Is there any alternative to Plasma::PopupApplet? If there is not, is there 
a plan to implement it?

2. Is there a possibility to paint complex UI w\o using QML (in C++ code)? For 
example, I didn't find old Applet::setLayout() and PopupApplet::setWidget() 

3. How can I connect DataEngine to my Plasmoid? The old method which I used 
was dataEnigne(), some new applets use this method too, but it doesn't exist 
in the newest Plasma headers. Some new widgets such as nm-applet use 
Plasma::DataEngineManager::self()->engine() constuction, but 
Plasma::DataEngineManager class doesn't exist in the Plasma too =(

If you need a reference to my plasmoid, example on which I'm working now may 
be found here [1] (it is more simple than the second one).

Sincerely yours, 
Evgeniy Alekseev

e-mail: darkarcanis at
ICQ: 407-398-235
Jabber: arcanis at
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