Activities - Storing ResourceScoreCache in Nepomuk

Ivan Čukić ivan.cukic at
Wed May 22 17:51:11 UTC 2013

> If it has been removed then can we maybe stop storing the info in Nepomuk?
> It increases the size of the database, and as you know virtuoso is just one
> huge table and therefore all queries will be affected.

For 4.11, we should have the feature of showing most used documents in the 
tasks applet. If it doesn't go in, or I manage to do it without nepomuk, I'll 
remove it from the code.

> Additionally, this data is also backed up and restored which is not
> something we want.

How to change that if it doesn't end up deleted?

> Right now is the perfect time to remove the code as the nepomuk database is
> going to be reset for 4.11

Can you elaborate in one sentence - I've been a bit offline when mailing lists 
are concerned.

> and as you know virtuoso is just one

Somehow puts the dreams we had in the beginning in perspective :(


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