Usability issue in the task bar applet

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Tue May 21 12:13:40 UTC 2013

On Tuesday, May 21, 2013 12:39:35 Eike Hein wrote:
> So while I'm getting nervous as well I have to ask for a little more
> waiting un-
> fortunately, so I can get the remaining bits integrated properly.
> Fortunately we're
> in the feature plan so we can take it to hard freeze, as unpretty as that
> is - but
> should work out.

my concern with waiting until hard freeze is that we will end up with a major 
component in master with not a lot of time to hammer out any remaining issues 
(and realistically, there will be some somewhere)

typically what happens is that the biggest issues are found first, then fixed, 
then we repeat with the next biggest issue. having only the freeze period to 
sort it all out means we usually only get to iterate the big issues and then 
the small issues end up in the release .. leading to the innevitable results 
of a feeling of lack of polish. a release or two later and it is all good, but 
i'm increasingly conservative about this (which is why we now have integration 
branches in plasma-mobile, bodega-server, etc)

in a worst case scenario, we find reasons to delay and delay and then it 
doesn't even make the hard freeze and then we're right and truly screwed.

having tried your replacement out, it already works reasonably well. i'd like 
to see it merged into master sooner rather than later so we can get the other 
developers at least testing it and so we can compile a list of showstopper 
issues, if any actually exist.

it will also help with contributions such as we've received in the last couple 
of weeks that have been done on the C++ version rather than the QML version.

Aaron J. Seigo
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