naming the next major release

Daniel Nicoletti dantti12 at
Wed Aug 21 14:29:52 UTC 2013

My 2c,

On KDE 4 aka KDE SC 4, plasma was always just plasma,
no user says I'm using the plasma shell (as there isn't another
KDE option).

I think even if Plasma is numbered after 2, users will still say
they have installed KDE 5 or KDE SC 5, the marketing imo
must go to the whole SC 5 and not to single components,
for example I go to dolphin look at it's version and I have 2.2
but my KDE is 4.10.5, when the user report bugs most of
the time they specify the whole KDE version and not the
component one.

Having KDE as just as people (bad thing imho) brings these
issues, do we install KDE software? Or would I install KDE people?

IMHO the core of the KDE is it's libraries/frameworks which will
be named at 5. One can write another KDE shell (iirc there is kor)
(and don't make it in SC) but that will still be a KDE shell.

enough talking to summarize I'd say we should go for
KDE SC 5 which includes 2nd gen of Plasma, 3rd gen of dolphin
and so on, some components happen to have survived since
KDE 1 (kwin/konqueror maybe?), naming Plasma as 5 doesn't
reflect it's real age.


Daniel Nicoletti -

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