webslice applet improvements: backport?

Sebastian Kügler sebas at kde.org
Thu Jan 27 12:12:04 CET 2011


I've spent some cycles on improving the webslice applet, and have succeeded in 
some key areas (bullshit lingo for "it actually works now"):

- resizing is *much* faster
- aspect ratio is not fixed anymore (fixes #221235)
- it's now way easier to select a piece of the webpage,thanks to a dropdown 
  which lists elements (not all, but those identifiable by id attribute)
- the widgets show a preview of the whole page with the selected element '

This involved some refactoring of the webslice applet, and is certainly not 
just a small bugfix. The improvement is very significant though, as it brings 
the widget from "barely usable" to "quite useful" and has some nice usability 
improvements on top of it, mainly much better feedback which slice you select 
and big-time performance improvements (resizing went from utterly sluggish to 
almost smooth).

The code is in trunk now, but I would like to backport these changes so our 
users get them 6 months earlier. The changes until now do not add or change 
translated strings, so they're safe to backport from a translation point of 
view at least.

I'm talking specifically about r1217392 - r1217400 in kdeplasma-

Does anyone object to me backporting these changes for 4.6.1?

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