R: [GSOC] Home automation

LucaTringali TRINGALINVENT at libero.it
Sat Feb 19 20:11:21 CET 2011

It would be perfect, in particular talking about Plasma Media Center.
The mediacenter, infact, will be the "head" of the home automation in the
next future.
Since I've been busy for some months I don't know what is the actual 
situation of Plasma media center, anyway, this will be one of the first 
to add to that shell.

Luca Tringali

>----Messaggio originale----
>Da: robin.marsollier at etudiant.univ-rennes1.fr
>Data: 19/02/2011 16.04
>A: <plasma-devel at kde.org>
>Ogg: [GSOC] Home automation
>I am a French student in 4th year of university cycle, I aim for next year 
>integrate acedemic training of home automation in Rennes.
>I am also a convinced users of FLOSS since 2years and of KDE since SC 4.3.
>I am interrested in ergonomics and other disciplines (I like read Aurélien 
>Gateau's blog posts and other related stuff for example) , and I think home 
>automation could improve its ergonomics and concept to be very efficient.
>Typically, in this kind of dashboard, we can found various graphics related 
>cumsumption of several element in the house, actual state of some element, 
>actions buttons and some other stuff .
>Last year, for studies, I had a "research" project whose goal was to realize 
>draft of a dashbord to be use daily in home automation, so I have basics 
>on what could be realize or not and I can observe that one the main issue of 
>this type of dashboard is they are design to only show information related 
>home automation when they should be integrated in the center of our use of 
>cumputering, and I think Plasma could do it easily.
>I am currently talking with folks of Domogik¹, a free home automation server.
>Do you think it could be possible with the plasma technologies and what do 
>think about this idea in general ?
>I am not aware of other implementation of the concept I have exposed and I 
>know that would be very innovative and with some work of reflexion, but 
>a part of what attracks me.
>I will join you on IRC in coming days, i couldn't for the moment but I 
>anymay to expose my idea and collect some opinions.
>¹ : http://www.domogik.org/
>Robin Marsollier
>M1 Électronique et Télécommunication - Université de Rennes 1
>Plasma-devel mailing list
>Plasma-devel at kde.org

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